The Real Enemy

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I’m sure if I asked you to think of someone you hated, it wouldn’t take long for a few names to pop in your head. Wait, did I just say “hate”? Yes, I already know some will deny the existence of such a strong emotion. We very well pretend sometimes like we don’t hate anyone, because of course the severity of such a statement can be looked down upon. So let me be a little more politically correct and say for some of you there are a few people I’m sure you could identify as people you “strongly dislike”. Regardless of what verbiage we use, we all know what I’m referring to.

Ultimately when it comes down to it, we are all different. Whether it’s our skin color, social status, job, or even our beliefs, we were each uniquely created. With so much diversity, come obvious opportunities for conflict to arise. It’s all in the routine of life; there are just some people we like and others not so much.

What I find so interesting though, is the “bond” that hate has the potential to create. No matter the severity of the hate we carry for another person, there is one thing I have found that can entice us to lay down the hard feelings. In the presence of a greater enemy, two that don’t get along are united by their common disgust of the person they hate more. All of a sudden all inhibitions go out the window and the focus of dislike is redirected entirely. Even though the alliance is virtually unwanted at the time, the bond it in turn creates can be great beyond measure.

What we fail so often to recognize is that we are engaged in a much greater war with a much greater enemy. Yet, we waste vast amounts of time and energy fighting with one another. If we could only comprehend that we are all fighting the same war, we could be united by the greater battle before us. It’s only then that we can make strides in defeating the greatest enemy we will ever face.

12 thoughts on “The Real Enemy”

  1. So true! I’ve never thought of it like that. If people can unite against somebody they hate, Christians should unite with the same attitude against the one real enemy

  2. Yes it’s relly hard to forgive someone if thay hate you, or don’t like the way you look like, or talks bad thing about you and use you etc. But the Bible tells us Colossians 3:13
    Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (NIV)

    That helps me forgive

  3. When I think about the word “hate,” I’m reminded of what my Lord suffered for my sake. Truly, it was hatred of fallen man that put Him on the cross. Yes, He freely gave His life; however, it was because of “hatred.”

    1 John 4:8 – God is love. God loves us! He gave His life for us! He knew no sin, but became sin for us that we might be made righteousness in Him. So many of us have not quite understood this passage of scripture. It is unfortunate that the world cannot always tell us from themselves. We slander and bicker with each other and gossip – ALL the things God tells His people not to do. We are called to be different from the world. When we give Satan an enroad into our lives with these kinds of attitudes and actions, hatred grows and sets up a root of bitterness, which is real trouble. It is hard to dig out a root when it has had a long time to grow. When we are not walking in love, if I undersand correctly, we open the door for hatred to do damaging work to the body of Christ. When we understand that Jesus died for all – He is no respector of persons, I believe we let go of offenses and hatred. Anyone who truly understands the love of God cannot hold hatred in their hearts. The Bible says that in the last days we will be easily offended. I pray that we will remember, beginning this season, that Jesus died for the person who may have hurt you in some way just as he died for you. He does not think of us like we think of ourselves or others like we think of others. Freedom is letting go of the hurts and hatred.

  4. I just wanted to say Rachel, I love your blog, you, your family, and Daystar. Indeed there are many who refuse to say outright that they hate, for they know that hate is condemned in the Bible. However, we are only deceiving ourselves when we hate and refuse to admit it. Indeed, God is love as mentioned in a previous comment, and we cannot say we love God in truth, if we don’t love our brother who we have seen. God bless all who share the truth of God in spirit and in heart.

  5. I am writing from Portugal.
    When I’m angry with someone I remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:44. It helps a lot!
    I don’t know much of your work, but I watch other preachers’ works at Daystar.
    It is the first time I visit your blog and I like it.
    Blessings for all who read this message!!!!

  6. People of God, the truth of the matter is we have one enemy, which is Satan, another truth of the matter is that this enemy Satan has already been defeated, Colossians 2:15 makes us comprehend it, Christ made a public spectacle of them. Ephesians 1:22,23 also makes us know that the enemy is under the feet of Christ. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and we are the body of Christ. The Church as it is today have a common goal and that is to walk in the alertness that Satan is defeated,the battle has already been won. What we have to do is to preach the Gospel to those who are spiritually dead.

  7. Rachel,
    you have a gift… one to share and bring a word in Season..
    Keep posting, your touching-changing-imparting and impacting.
    this blog carry’s a lot of wisdom and facts….it is wonderful!

  8. What makes us hate is actually what we think others have that we don’t have or how they act; but the problem is always with the one who hates. Thanks for this Rachel, God bless.

  9. Of coz sometimes forgiving may be difficult but we have to do so because this is what God wants us to do.So nomator how difficult our hearts may refuse, forgive becoz it’s the will of God.

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